Swimming Safety

Summer is here! Beautiful sun and weather are perfect for swimming in those pools! However fun swimming can be, there are some hazards to be mindful about. Here are some important safety tips and information you need to know to keep you and your kids safe this summer.

How to Have a Healthier Heart this Month!

Elevated Health in Huntington Beach, CA may not be able to help you find love this Valentines, but we can help you have a healthy heart. Learn about different health risks that come with smoking, obesidty, age and more. Stay aware of your heart’s condition and how to take care of it with these tips.

New Year, New Resolutions

It’s a new year and the time when so many people make new year’s resolutions. One of the most common resolutions is weight loss. Let’s explore a realistic approach to weight loss; one that gives satisfying results and you can stick to it for longer than a few months.