How to Stay Ahead of Flu Season

The novel coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) has impacted everyone worldwide. And while it’s important to adhere to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guidelines and do everything in our power to maintain good health, we cannot – and should not – avoid the other nasty bug that comes around each year. 

Yes, today we’re talking about flu season and how to stay ahead of it, specifically.

 How to Prevent the Flu: 6 Tips

1. Load Up on Vitamin C

Surely you remember the days of your mother nagging you to consume oranges or orange juice. Well, we’re doing the same today. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin and antioxidant necessary for tissue growth and repair in all parts of your body. Unfortunately, vitamin C doesn’t have much prevention power against the common cold or flu, meaning you can’t just consume it once your cold/flu symptoms kick in and expect to be healthy. To reap the benefits of vitamin C, you must consume it in some form daily. 

When it comes down to vitamin C supplements vs food, we recommend consuming it in its purest form: food! This way, you get a lot of other nutrients as well. If you get the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, you should be getting enough vitamin C. Which fruits and vegetables should you stock up on? Citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables, tomatoes, and strawberries should do the trick.

2. Increase Vitamin D

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In that same vein, be sure to also consume vitamin D regularly! Whether or not vitamin D answers the age-old “how to prevent the flu” question, studies published in BMJ found that vitamin D (supplements, in particular) have a 10-50% reduction rate in respiratory infections such as the flu. So, be sure to get outside and soak up that vitamin D from the sunshine!

And like anything, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Don’t put your health at risk by getting too much sun, for it can lead to skin damage or worse, skin cancer. Yet, too little sunlight can lead to vitamin D deficiency. 

In other words, sunscreen is your new best friend!

3. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle in General

On top of regular vitamin consumption, you should aim for an all-around healthy lifestyle. What that looks like

  • Six-eight hours of sleep 

  • Proper nutrition

  • Four-five days of physical activity

  • Keeping your stress levels at bay

Cultivating a healthy lifestyle will do wonders for your immune system, which will fight against the flu.

Now we understand that maintaining a proper lifestyle seven days a week isn’t always feasible. Sometimes you have to pull all-nighters for school or work, injuries come up and you can’t exercise as easily, or maybe your days are so busy you’re unintentionally skipping important meals. Whatever your weeks look like, make an effort to have a well-rounded and healthy lifestyle. Not only can it prevent the flu, but it will improve your overall attitude and mindset too.

4. Vaccinate Earlier in the Season

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Vaccinating is a personal preference. If you do opt for an annual flu shot, we recommend getting on top of it. Don’t wait for “flu season” to commence; get your flu vaccine at first availability. 

Why? Dr. Rachel Orscheln, a Washington University pediatric specialist at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, says it takes approximately two weeks for a vaccine to take full effect and promote immunity. If you get your flu shot later into the season, you could be two weeks too late. 

5. Take Action Upon Any Symptoms 

While most of our tips are things you should do prior to getting sick, life happens. Sometimes the flu will choose you as its victim, regardless of the preventive steps you’ve been taking. In this case, act quickly! Take action as soon as you notice symptoms. Generally, abnormal fatigue will set in first. Take this as a warning signal and get as much rest as you possibly can. Immediate rest combats the virus and can even prevent more severe symptoms from taking hold of you.  

6. Clean & Disinfect All Surfaces…Regularly

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In 2020, this step should already be a part of your regular routine. But for further emphasis, the flu can stay active on any environmental surface for up to 48 hours, according to this 1982 study. Take time to wipe down high-traffic areas or items in your home several times a week. Once a member of your household has caught the bug, take time to address all surfaces within the sick person’s vicinity…multiple times a day. 

We didn’t say knowing how to stay healthy would always be fun, but we are going to say it’s worth it. Flu season can have mild effects on some but can pose the threat of severe illness in others. Don’t risk it. 

Talk to Your Direct Physician

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 Don’t be afraid of flu season. It can be uncomfortable, especially as it hits everyone at the same time. Yet, if you follow these steps, you’re sure to put up a good fight against the virus. If you have further concerns regarding the flu this year, don’t be afraid to reach out to a trusted direct physician.

At Elevated Health here in Huntington Beach, our team of approachable, knowledgeable doctors can provide additional suggestions in knowing how to prevent the flu and how to stay healthy in general. Because this year looks a little different, you can communicate with a direct physician via email, telephone, or even text (if you’re uncomfortable coming into the doctor’s office, that is). We will do everything in our power to provide answers, recommendations, and appropriate tests or medications regarding your health. 

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